An old Dutch word for designer is vormgever, transliterally form giver. Our logos for corporations, non-profits, and entertainment are emblematic of a thoughtful and crafted approach that forms a unique brand identity.
Click on the logos below for the thinking that inspired their design.

SwartAd invoked Cold War aesthetics in this logo design for the German TV series Ze Network, starring David Hasselhoff. Bisected by Berlin's iconic Soviet-era TV tower, custom letterforms carry a sense of Iron Curtain intrigue for this espionage thriller.

Anne Frank LA creates and presents innovative educational and cultural programs and community events that further the legacy of Anne Frank. Three squares, or rather, window panes, frame a graphic representation of the famous elm tree that Anne saw while hiding in the Amsterdam annex. The primarily black and white design represents the stark reality of Anne's existence, while the green symbolizes hope.

“I just want a big D, mate.” is how Australian friend Greg Coote commissioned this logo. Our design for Dune Entertainment combines that letter with a desert dune for a distinctive corporate identity.

We designed Judge Judy Sheindlin's Production company logo. She asked for a bee, a gavel, and a crown.

Benchmark Post offers post-production services to the entertainment industry.
Our logo design is inspired by classic Cuban cigar packaging where many people (as well as our client) keep their treasured ephemera. And because they're just really cool.

An evocative design for a company intended to be a refuge for its entertainment clients.

This logo celebrates women through the ages for the Soroptimist International of Glendale annual fundraiser.

Blue sky is an appropriate metaphor for this company and app that helps people realize their dreams.